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Below are commonly asked questions about the psychedelic wellness program. If you have additional questions,

please submit an application and you will be contacted within 48 business hours of receipt.


Questions without applications will not be answered.

Frequently Asked Questions​



1. Is micro-dosing psilocybin legal? 


Unfortunately in most states, the recreational use of psilocybin remains illegal. In Denver, psilocybin is decriminalized, which means that psilocybin-related arrests are of the lowest priority of law enforcement. Although still federally illegal (much like cannabis), residents of Denver are permitted to locally grow mushrooms for personal use, gift them, and gather together to use them. For this reason, I only see patients locally. Please check with your local state guidelines and do your own research before consuming any substance. 



2. Can I grow my own mushrooms? Is it difficult? 


Growing mushrooms for personal use is, in my opinion, the best way to have a safe and available supply of psilocybin to use for micro-dosing. It allows you to deepen your relationship to the medicine, and truly appreciate the mushrooms by watching them grow. Growing can be difficult- it requires patience and is a learning process, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes a wonderful hobby. I work with a supplier who makes the process as easy as possible, and I am available to answer questions and guide you through the process. Additionally, purchasing spores (through a trusted supplier) is legal because they have not germinated yet. One successful grow of mushrooms can provide 6+ months of psilocybin to micro-dose with.



3. Can I micro-dose if I am taking medication?


I strongly advise that all patients on medication consult their prescribing doctor before taking any new substances. When you apply to this program, you are required to list any pharmaceuticals. This is so that we can discuss any contraindications or interactions, and I can advise you as to whether psilocybin is right for you. I work pharmacists that specialize in plant medicine/pharmaceutical interactions, and how to safely titrate off of prescriptions (under the supervision of the prescribing doctor) if that is what you wish to do. 



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