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Elevating the psychedelic experience using functional laboratory testing and the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine

to prepare the body and mind to receive plant medicines and integrate lifelong results.


Why Psychedelics?




The world we live in today is not an easy place to be. The demand for alternative treatment methods has recently become more pronounced, as many of the methods that are currently utilized for conditions like depression, PTSD, and other various mood disorders are outdated and ineffective with unlivable side effects. This demand has created space for psychedelic research, specifically psilocybin, the psychoactive compound derived from various species of fungi. Generally speaking, psilocybin acts as a partial agonist on our serotonin receptors in the brain. It forms new neural pathways which promote new behaviors, perceptions, and ways to interpret our surroundings. This can result in elevated mood and improved memory, learning, and brain function. Additionally, psilocybin can elicit a new found connection to ourselves and others, increase energy, improve productivity and creativity, heighten feelings of compassion, alleviate physical pain, and reduce addictive behaviors. Psilocybin is non-addictive and has no known side effects. In this program, the focus is on micro-dosing psilocybin, which means taking small portions (less than 1/10th of a dose that people consume to “trip” or journey) multiple times per week on a consistent regimen. The effects are subtle and sub perpetual, meaning that you will not feel high and there are no hallucinogenic effects when taken appropriately. 


Because most psychedelics remain federally illegal, the use of these substances is often a drastic “last ditch” effort at healing. Oftentimes, individuals begin exploring psychedelics with less than optimal physical and/or mental health. Psychedelic medicine is vast, extraordinary, and not fully understood, but it is not a magic cure-all. It will not correct vitamin and mineral deficiencies from prolonged use of antidepressants, hormonal birth control, and poor diet. It will not cure hormonal imbalances, food sensitivities or allergies, and toxic burden from environmental pollutants and mold exposure. If an individual that is experiencing these issues begins taking psychedelics without addressing their baseline health, they can be pushed even further out of balance on a cellular level due to the nature of the substances. Psychedelics work to amplify the sensations one is already experiencing within the body, which is why it is so important to address underlying issues and correct any deficiencies. In order to truly benefit from psychedelic medicine, it is imperative to create and foster a nourished body that can mentally and physically support these medicines.


The city of Denver, Colorado has decriminalized the use of psilocybin, which means that psilocybin-related arrests are of the lowest priority. Although still federally illegal, residents of Denver are allowed to locally grow mushrooms for personal use, gift them, and gather together to use them. I conduct all sessions virtually, with clients residing in Denver. If you are out-of-state and interested in the psychedelic wellness program, please join the mailing list to be notified of this option when it is available (with the exception of clients in M.O.M). 


Psychedelic Wellness Coaching​




Who I Coach


I work one-on-one with patients who are interested in micro-dosing psilocybin, or who already have an existing micro-dosing practice and are looking for additional guidance in regard to their health and overall wellness. This program requires a six week commitment.


Psychedelic Medicine is Not for Everyone​


I work with individuals who are committed, curious, open-minded, and and ready for profound personal growth. Psychedelics dig deep into the body and mind, bringing everything to the surface- the pleasant and the not so pleasant. Repressed feelings and emotions, trauma, and sadness can exist alongside appreciation, connection, and overwhelming joy. If there is something buried deep within, chances are, it will come up. It is here that personal development and integration come to the forefront, allowing one to positively reprocess experiences and grow into a more evolved human. It took us an entire lifetime to get to where we are in our bodies- healing is slow but worth the wait. 


I do not currently accept patients who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, or take specific medications. All patients are strongly encouraged to be actively participating in therapy with a licensed professional. 

Did you know...​



  • Psychedelics are not generally safe for people with low magnesium levels. 50% of Americans have magnesium intake that is below the daily required dose. 

  • Psychedelics deplete various vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to function properly. The safe use of psychedelics depends on these levels being balanced. 

  • SSRI's (Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors) deplete various vitamins and minerals from the body, making them even more difficult to taper off of. Offsetting imbalances with supplements and herbs can make tapering a more pleasant experience (always under the supervision of the prescribing doctor)

  • The most common trigger of migraines are food sensitivities. Other symptoms of food sensitivities include anxiety, depression, constipation, diarrhea, joint aches, fatigue, brain fog, poor concentration and loss of memory. 

  • 90% of your serotonin (the neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of happiness) is created in the gut. This means that having a healthy gut is critical to mental health. Additionally, a healthy gut fosters a strong immune system and the ability to manage seasonal and environmental allergies. Studies show that a single course of antibiotics can disturb the microbiome for up to 2-4 years. We have herbs for that! 

  • Candida overgrowth in the gut can show up as oral thrush (white patches in the mouth), frequent yeast infections and UTI's, skin and nail infections, joint pain, brain fog, fatigue, sugar cravings, itchy ears, and digestive disturbances. Candida in the gut forms a biofilm that houses and protects viruses from the herpes family, making antivirals less effective. 

  • As many as half of all residential homes and offices have some degree of water damage. Signs of mold exposure include recurrent migraines, autoimmune disease, sinus congestion and asthma, personality and mood changes, frequent urination and excess thirst. 

  • Environmental toxins (think industrial waste, pesticides, asbestos, VOC's) are linked to fertility problems, allergies, autoimmune disease, neurological issues, learning disabilities, diabetes, and thyroid problems.

Psychedelic Wellness Coaching

Six Week Beginner Intensive

*Special pricing available for M.O.M. members. Please inquire through the application



One complimentary 30 minute virtual interview is required of all screened applicants to ensure that micro-dosing is the appropriate therapy.


Upon acceptance, this program includes:



  • One Initial Consultation (60 min+). 

  • Five weekly check-in's to discuss lab work, progress, and integration (45 min each). 

  • Comprehensive blood work to assess vitamin and mineral deficiencies (380.00 value).

    • This is required of all new patients to ensure safety while using psilocybin. 

  • Personalized coursework including:

    • A micro-dosing regimen tailored to fit your specific needs.

    • Antidepressant medication tapering support (if applicable, under the supervision of the prescribing doctor).

    • An individualized herb/supplement protocol with access to my online pharmacy of high quality practitioner-grade products at a 10% discount.

      • ​Herbs/supplements sold separately. 

    • Dietary recommendations from a Chinese medical perspective tailored to your body and goals. 

    • Lifestyle recommendations that are accessible and attainable.

    • Integration: How to incorporate the experiences and changes brought on by psilocybin into your daily life. This is arguably the most important aspect of psychedelic therapy. 

    • Resources: Trusted Denver-based wellness practitioners and healers, how to find quality practitioners in your area, and resources within the psychedelic community (podcasts, apps, books, etc.). 


All coursework is tailored to each patients individual wellness concerns and goals.


After the initial consultation, recommendations of additional laboratory testing will be discussed if deemed necessary. Additional labs are priced separately.


Additional Labs:


  • DUTCH hormone testing $399.00+

  • IgG Food Sensitivity Testing $169.00-$299.00

  • Mold Screening $289.00+

  • Candida Screening $109.00

  • Environmental Pollutants Profile $199.00




Services Offered


Antidepressant Tapering Support

Many individuals choosing to micro-dose psilocybin decide to taper off of their antidepressant because it can counteract or dull the effects of the psilocybin. Prolonged use of antidepressant medication often results in vitamin and mineral deficiencies, which add to the unpleasant side effects typically associated with discontinuation. Balancing these deficiencies with supplements or vitamin injections, alongside Chinese herbal medicine, can mitigate many unwanted side effects and help create a more manageable experience.


*Antidepressant tapering must always be done under the supervision of the prescribing doctor.

Pills on Spoons

Vitamin + Mineral Testing

Antidepressants, hormonal birth control, IUD's, diet, and even psilocybin can deplete essential vitamins and minerals from the body. Correcting these deficiencies through supplements or injection therapy allows the patient to fully benefit from the psychedelics without risking their health. It is equally as important to supplement appropriately while using psilocybin to prevent future deficiencies. 

Healthy Loaf of Bread

IgG Food Sensitivity + Candida Screen

Food sensitivities differ from allergies and are often not tested at an allergist or doctors office. Symptoms of food sensitivities include anxiety, depression, constipation, diarrhea, joint aches, fatigue, brain fog, poor concentration, and reduced memory. IgG food sensitivity testing includes up to 208 different foods, as well as screening for candida overgrowth. Candida overgrowth can cause oral thrush (white patches in the mouth), frequent yeast infections and UTI's, skin and nail infections, joint pain, brain fog, fatigue, sugar cravings, itchy ears, and digestive issues. 

Water and mold  stain on the home ceiling. Concept of condensation, damp, water infiltrati

Mold Exposure Testing

Common in water damaged buildings, mycotoxins (a byproduct of certain varieties of mold) can gradually make individuals sick and trigger chronic inflammation and illness, neurotoxicity, and immune system dysregulation. Signs of mold exposure can include recurrent migraines, autoimmune disease, sinus congestion and asthma, personality and mood changes, frequent urination and excess thirst. Mycotoxins can be safely detoxed through individualized protocols. 


Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine includes acupuncture, cupping, tui na (Chinese medical massage), gua sha, moxibustion, bloodletting, Chinese herbal medicine, and a variety of other ancient modalities. Chinese medicine can treat everything from mental health to autoimmune disease, pain, fertility, insomnia, allergies, digestive issues, and more. By focusing on treating the root cause instead of purely symptom management, Chinese medicine not only relieves symptoms but focuses on restoring balance within the body so the issue fully resolves. Chinese medicine is a perfect compliment and integration tool while micro-dosing psilocybin, and is available to local patients. 

Lab Results

Hormone Testing

Hormone imbalances can cause weight gain, mood swings, low libido, depression, insomnia, fertility issues, and irregular menstrual cycles in women. Additionally, men can experience brain fog, fatigue, abdominal weight gain, and decreased muscle mass. Comprehensive hormone testing can uncover these imbalances, which can then be corrected naturally with Chinese medicine, nutrition modification, and supplementation. 


Environmental Pollutant + Heavy Metal Testing

We are constantly exposed to various toxic chemicals and heavy metals in our environment and daily lives. These substances are found in the products we use, the food we eat, smoke from wildfires and air pollution, dental fillings, building materials, and tap water. Long-term exposure to toxins and heavy metals has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, autism, cardiovascular disease, depression, neurological disorders, thyroid conditions, and other chronic diseases. Once identified, the toxic load can be safely detoxed from the body using an individualized protocol over a period of time. 

Meditation Photo

Integration + Lifestyle

The ability to permanently integrate the positive effects of micro-dosing psilocybin into ones life is one of the most important aspects of using psychedelics. This is where the biggest shift and lasting change occurs. Integration is different for everyone, but can include journaling, yoga, spiritual practices like meditation and breathwork, hiking, spending time in nature, creating art, playing with pets, and being with loved ones. Equally as important are dietary modifications, lifestyle adjustments (substance use, therapy, exercise, etc.), and resources available to extend your knowledge and self-development practice. 

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